MLP S4E5: "Flight to the Finish"

MLP S4E5: "Flight to the Finish"


This week Macintosh & Maud are cheering on the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they try to win the opening performance at the Equestria Games. Rainbow Dash is super excited for the Crusaders' performance...but not so excited to make Ms. Harshwhinny mad again. In the meantime, the Crusaders have to decide whether or not they're going to buy in to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's mean girl manipulation. We do NOT like them one bit.

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Intro and outro music is "Madgapuff March (rmx) by JS Bach" by Lee Rosevere. Licensed under a CCO 1.0 Universal License. For the song and information about the artist, visit the song page at the Free Music Archive.

Excerpt from "Hearts as Strong as Horses" written by Daniel Ingram. (P) 2016 Hasbro Studios, LLC. You can find the song on the album Songs of Ponyville.

Excerpt from "Stonehenge" taken from the most metal band of all time, Spinal Tap, from their album, This is Spinal Tap. ℗© 1984 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

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