HOLIDAY MAGIC: Krampus (2015)

HOLIDAY MAGIC: Krampus (2015)

We’re a little late, so we expect Krampus to show up any minute now…

You don’t expect Christmas movies to become cult classics. They’re usually aimed at everyone, which means they’re either really funny or painfully mediocre. Then there’s the sarcastic, more grown-up movies that ruminate on dysfunctional families or consumerism. Way under all of that, though, is Christmas horror, and it’s here that two genres can really pack a punch. Krampus probably has no right being as solid a movie as it is, and yet it features a top notch, powerhouse cast that all bring their own take and perspective to the table. The movie itself is just fine, but the performances suck you in. Krampus might not be a holiday tradition for everyone, but it’s definitely an enjoyable alternative to regular Christmas fare.

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Intro music taken from the Second Movement of Ludwig von Beethoven's 9th Symphony. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Hong Kong (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 HK) license. To hear the full performance or get more information, visit the song page at the Internet Archive.

Jingle bells effect taken from “Jingle bells.wav” created by user ‘juskiddink’ on the Freesound platform. Licensed under an Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) license. To get additional information or download the sound, visit Freesound.

HOLIDAY MAGIC: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

HOLIDAY MAGIC: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation