Chapter 88: "Citizen Lodge"

Chapter 88: "Citizen Lodge"

A good episode of Riverdale? It’s more likely than you think.


CONTENT WARNING: Discussions of physical, mental and emotional abuse, and on our next time on discussion, dogfighting. Also discussions of organized crime, murder, money laundering, drug dealing, grief, loss of a parent, classism, strip mining.

OK, so this should have been the season premiere, because wow did our flashback episode not disappoint…at least by Riverdale standards. We not only got some real time with Reggie and Charles Melton, who really gets to shine, but we finally answer some very important personality questions about a man, a certain man, who I'll bet you five you're not alive if you don't know his name. Title jokes aside, Mark and Michael Consuelos do an amazing job at their roles in showing the history of Hiram, from his desire to help his family to his reign as the crime boss of Riverdale. And in the process, Hiram has to reckon with some of his own regrets at the life he's made. Join us as we discuss “Chapter 88: Strange Bedfellows” this week on The Doghouse.

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Interstitial music taken from "Make Up" from the compilation album Kamelot by Distortions. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. To hear the song or get more information about the artist, visit the song page at Jamendo.

Excerpt used from the theme song of Real Housewives of New York City from Bravo.

Chapter 89: "Reservoir Dogs"

Chapter 89: "Reservoir Dogs"

Chapter 87: "Strange Bedfellows"

Chapter 87: "Strange Bedfellows"