80'S GRAB BAG: The NeverEnding Story (1984)

80'S GRAB BAG: The NeverEnding Story (1984)


CONTENT WARNING: Grief, death.

We step into 1984 with a true children’s classic that was bound to scar so many young minds. Because this week’s movie is a meditation on grief, loss, and how we intertwine with stories to help heal, and it’s also full of really cool practical special effects. But while our director may have made the greatest submarine movie of all time, his ability to sort through the nuances of a really beautiful story was kind of a mess. For a 90 minute movie, this drags, and it’s not only because the story is lost in translation. Yet the real travesty is missing the second half of the story, which pulls everything full circle in a truly beautiful, wonderful way. Grab a hold of Falcor and get ready to ride as we talk about The NeverEnding Story this week on Macintosh & Maud Haven’t Seen What?!

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Intro music taken from the Second Movement of Ludwig von Beethoven's 9th Symphony. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Hong Kong (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 HK) license. To hear the full performance or get more information, visit the song page at the Internet Archive..

Excerpt taken from “The Never Ending Story” from the soundtrack to the movie The NeverEnding Story, written by Giorgio Moroder and Keith Forsey. Copyright 1984 Neue Constantin Film Productions GmbH; EMI Records, Ltd.

Excerpt taken from “Fletch Theme” from the soundtrack to the movie Fletch, written and composed by Harold Faltermeyer. Copyright 1985 Universal City Studios, Inc.; MCA Records, Inc.

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80'S GRAB BAG: Fletch (1985)

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