Chapter 80: "Purgatorio"

Chapter 80: "Purgatorio"

“The Ghoulies moved into my house?!”


CONTENT WARNING: War, death, amputation, war injuries, recruitment, serial killers, murder, kidnapping, abduction, sleeping with superiors, possessiveness, traumatic accidents, alcoholism, blackmail, debt collection, depression, homelessness, poverty.

The second this episode started, we knew we were back to our Riverdale sweet spot. Dream sequences of Archie at war on the football field? Check. Veronica hustling jewelry and trading tips on the sly from her alpha-trader husband? Check. Betty going full damaged, poor-decision making FBI trainee while Jughead tries to drink away his writer’s block? Check, and check. Everything is back to bonkers in Riverdale, and we very, very tentatively have hopes for a rebirth for one particular crimson-haired community stalwart. Time for the flash forward as we jump 7 years ahead with “Chapter 80: Purgatorio” this week on The Doghouse.

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Interstitial music taken from "Make Up" from the compilation album Kamelot by Distortions. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. To hear the song or get more information about the artist, visit the song page at Jamendo.

Excerpt used from the theme song of Real Housewives of New York City from Bravo.

Chapter 81: "The Homecoming"

Chapter 81: "The Homecoming"

Chapter 79: "Graduation"

Chapter 79: "Graduation"