Chapter 79: "Graduation"

Chapter 79: "Graduation"

Good riddance.


CONTENT WARNING: Parental loss, loss of loved ones, military, mental illness, trauma, failing school, breakups, teen drinking.

Well, we made it through high school with these nightmare children, and it’s finally time to graduate. And of course, there’s drama aplenty before we get to the real season premiere. Mostly, we’re actually pleasantly surprised, if incredibly cautious. Archie’s making a clean break to join the Army, Veronica finally gets a clean break from Hiram, and Cheryl Freaking Blossom gets a reset that we weren’t totally prepared for. It’s Bughead that’s left limping to the finish line, spending the first half of the episode waxing poetic about innocence and Jellybean instead of, I don’t know, doing something? There’s some pretty hasty character wrap-ups thrown in right here at the end, for sure. Still, we’re mostly fine with it and ready to see what happens in the time-jump ahead. Join us in the Doghouse for the last time as high school students as we recap “Chapter 79: Graduation” this week on The Doghouse.

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Interstitial music taken from "Make Up" from the compilation album Kamelot by Distortions. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. To hear the song or get more information about the artist, visit the song page at Jamendo.

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